Project Finance Foundations is the most comprehensive e-learning Project Finance Course available in the market today. It is designed for practitioners, utilises adult learning principles and leverages the power of multi-media to provide a stimulating and effective learning experience.
Learning is reinforced through quizzes, interactions and checklists. The learner is placed in the position of someone negotiating a transaction and asked to respond to negotiating points raised by various participants. Learners get to complete a Risk Matrix, mark up a Term Sheet and walk through the logic of a Project Model.
The objective of this module is to introduce the learner to the world of Project Finance and provide an understanding of the who, why and how of project finance transactions.
What is Project Finance, Project Finance Contractual Structures, Creating “bankable” cash flow, Life Stages of a Project, Public Sector Procurement, Project Finance Participants, Project Risks, Advantages of Project Finance, Disadvantages of Project Finance.
New material and concepts are introduced using various interactive elements and understanding is reinforced through quizzes
The objective of this module is to provide the learner with a thorough understanding of Project Risks and how they are mitigated.
Main project risks including Construction Risk, Force Majeure Risk, Political Risks, Infrastructure Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Currency Risk, Inflation Risk, Revenue/ Demand Risk, Operating Risk, Input Supply Risk, Legal Risk, Environmental Risk, Refinancing Risk, Technology Risk, Contract Mismatch Risk and Participant Risk. Factors that influence risk allocation between Project participants.
A template Risk Matrix is included in this module and the learner is asked to complete the Risk Matrix for a hypothetical project. Concepts are reinforced through the use of multiple interactive elements and quizzes.
The objective of this module is to introduce the learner to various sources of Project Finance and the mechanics of raising finance from each of these sources. It also covers the fundamentals of debt sizing and structuring.
Designing the Finance Package, Sources of Finance, Due Diligence, Understanding Project Finance Models, Debt and Equity Metrics (e.g. LLCR, PLCR, DSCR, Average Life, IRR), Debt Sizing, Structuring Bank Debt, Structuring Bond Finance, ECA Finance, Multilateral Funding, Loan Covenants, Security and Inter-Creditor Issues.
Concepts are introduced and reinforced through multiple interactive elements and quizzes throughout the module.
The objective of this module is to introduce the learner to the main clauses found in Revenue Agreements such as Power Purchase Agreements. The module also discusses the flow-on effects of these clauses to other contracts and the finance structure.
Term of Contract, Conditions Precedent, Construction Milestones, Consequences of Delay, Design and Construction Obligations, Operating Protocols, Tariff Structure, Performance Testing and Tariff Adjustments, Expansions and Modifications, Insurance Requirements, Force Majeure, Step In Rights, Change in Ownership, Change of Law, Default and Termination.
Concepts are introduced and reinforced throughout the module by the use of interactive elements, quizzes and by requiring the learner to respond to various scenarios.
The objective of this module is to introduce the learner to the main clauses found in the EPC Contract, the O&M Contract and Input Supply Contracts. The module also discusses the flow-on effects to other contracts and the financing structure.
Types of Construction Contracts, Contract Scope, Contract Price and Payments, Completion and Liquidated Damages, Security, Events of Default and Termination, Dispute Resolution, Construction Phase Insurances, EPC Checklist, Other Commercial Terms.
Types of O&M Contracts, O&M Contractor Roles, Project Company Roles and Responsibilities, Fee Structures, Performance and Liquidated Damages, Events of Default and Termination, Operating Phase Insurances, O&M Contract Checklist, Other Terms.
Input Supply Contracts, Start Date and Term, Contract Volumes and Flexibility, Quality, Price and Payments, Events of default and termination, Fuel Supply Contract Checklist, Other Terms.
Concepts are introduced and reinforced throughout the module by the use of interactive elements, quizzes and by requiring the learner to respond to various scenarios.
This module introduces the learner to documentation typically used to negotiate and document a Project Finance loan.
Letter of Interest, Commitment Letter, Term Sheet, Credit Facility, Working Capital Facility, Security Trust Deed, Security Documents, ISDA’s and Hedge Documents.
Concepts are reinforced through quizzes. The learner is asked to mark up a Term Sheet.
This module introduces the learner to the characteristics of the main sectors in which project finance techniques have been used. It summarises the key trends as well the main challenges for each sector.
Power sector including transmission and distribution, PPA and Merchant Plants, Renewable Energy Sector, Transportation Sectors including Toll Roads, Rail, Airports, Oil & Gas Sector, Mining and Social infrastructure Sectors.
Concepts are reinforced through quizzes.